Below are a few samples of EVP's caught at past public ghost hunts at the Sun Inn. Just click on the play button to listen. Google Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer are recommended for audio playback.
Sun Inn - Bethlehem, PA. June 21st, 2014.
Track 01: Female voice, "Come in." (Greatroom)
Track 02: Is their anything you want to tell us? "Go to sleep." (Greatroom)
Track 03: Male spirit, "You talk." (Greatroom)
Sun Inn - Bethlehem, PA. September 27th, 2014.
Track 01: Little girl, "Humming." (Attic)
Track 02: Investigator talking and you hear in the background, "Hear us." (Greatroom)
Track 03: Response about Tara, "Yeah, I do." (Basement)
Track 04: Talking about little girl pulling hair and get response, "Me." (Attic)
Sun Inn - Bethlehem, PA. October 31st, 2014.
Track 01: Male voice saying his name. "Gabriel." (Basement)
Track 02: EVP, "Help me." (Attic)
Track 03: EVP, "Lights out." (Attic)
Track 04: Residual noises, "Chains." (Basement)
Track 05: EVP, "That was me." (Attic)
Sun Inn - Bethlehem, PA. November 8th, 2014.
Track 01: EVP, "Get back." (Attic)
Track 02: Is their a secret treasure buried somewhere? "Yeah, in the wall." (Basement)
Track 03: EVP, "Thats right it's me." (Greatroom)
Greater Lehigh Valley Paranormal Investigation Team