Below are a few samples of EVP's caught at past public ghost hunts at the Sun Inn. Just click on the play button to listen. Google Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer are recommended for audio playback.
Sun Inn - Bethlehem, PA. November 13th, 2015.
Track 01: EVP, "Can't breathe." (Basement)
Track 02: Ghostbox response to favorite color by female voice. "Yellow." (Attic)
Track 03: Male EVP. "Get out." (Basement)
Track 04: Male EVP. "Help me." (Basement)
Track 05: Investigator asks about giving water and you get a male response, "I'm hungry." (Basement)
Track 06: Little girls voice saying, "Mommy." (Attic)
Track 07: Question was asked about if they were the person looking down at them and you get, "Up there." (Attic)
Track 08: While someone is talking you hear walking. (Attic)
Greater Lehigh Valley Paranormal Investigation Team